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Getting started

1. Installation

Fugit is available on PyPi:

pip install fugit

Git dependency

You must have git installed to use fugit.

2. Usage

You can use fugit on the command line:

fugit -h
usage: fugit [-h] [--repo REPO] [--revision REVISION] [-c [CHANGE_TYPE ...]]

Configure input filtering and output display.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --repo REPO           The repo whose git diff is to be computed.
                        (default: .)
  --revision REVISION   Specify the commit for comparison with the index. Use "HEAD" to
                        refer tot he latest branch commit, or "HEAD~{$n}" (e.g. "HEAD~1")
                        to indicate a specific number of commits before the latest.
                        (default: HEAD)
  -c [CHANGE_TYPE ...], --change-type [CHANGE_TYPE ...]
                        Change types to filter diffs for.
                        (default: ['A', 'C', 'D', 'M', 'R', 'T', 'U', 'X', 'B'])
  --version             show program's version number and exit

When run, fugit does the following approach:

  1. Uses GitPython to access the diff info
  2. Parses as needed into Pydantic models

3. Local development

  • To set up pre-commit hooks (to keep the CI bot happy) run pre-commit install-hooks so all git commits trigger the pre-commit checks. I use Conventional Commits. This runs black, flake8, autopep8, pyupgrade, etc.

  • To set up a dev env, I first create a new conda environment and use it in PDM with which python > .pdm-python. To use virtualenv environment instead of conda, skip that. Run pdm install and a .venv will be created if no Python binary path is found in .pdm-python.

  • To run tests, run pdm run python -m pytest and the PDM environment will be used to run the test suite.

4. Acknowledgements

Fugit was developed by @permutans.